About this blog

This blog is intended to resurrect my original IMAX soundtracks website from the late 1990s. Over time I will add information from the old site as well as new information on soundtracks composed for large format films.

Latest additions

The following soundtracks were recently added:

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Alamo - The Price Of Freedom | Music by Merrill Jenson

© 1998 Rivertheatre Associates Ltd.

Track Listing:
01. Main Theme (1:31)
02. The Dream Of Texas (1:50)
03. Travis Arrives At The Alamo (1:08)
04. Post Of Honor (1:04)
05. Santa Anna Arrives (1:23)
06. With A Cannon Shot (0:49)
07. Bowie Surrenders Command (1:10)
08. To The People Of Texas (1:52)
09. Cavalry Attack (1:05)
10. The Time Has Come (0:48)
11. Bonham Returns (1:15)
12. The Line (2:47)
13. The Ring (1:51)
14. Call To Attention/ Deguello (1:29)
15. No Small Affair/ Finale (3:41)
16. The Price Of Freedom* (2:39)
total time: 26:22

Music composed and conducted by Merrill Jenson
* "The Price of Freedom" composed by Clint McAlister, performed by Sergio Salinas
Album produced by Merrill Jenson
Executive Producer: Kevin R. Young
Recording Engineer: Loren Ashcraft
Music Editor: Ben Burtt
Album Design: Rick Utykanski
Period Music Consultant: Charles Davis
Special Thanks to Doug Beach, John Miller, Robby Devin, Eric Bragg, Forest View Historical Associates, and The Alamo Society

this CD is available only at the:

Heritage Gift Shop at the San Antonio IMAX theater
849 East Commer, Suite 483
San Antonio, Texas 78205
phone: (210) 247-4652


  1. Can I call the gift shop and get them to ship me a cd over the phone? I remember this music from long, long ago and just happened on your site.

    Larry Norred - Piggott, AR

  2. ...me too; what Larry Norred said. Except I had bought the soundtrack, loaned it to a cute, young, female, who played french horn...and I never got my cd back

